Thursday 28 October 2010

Live Review: Attack! Attack! (Bristol Thekla)

It looks like a small crowd tonight for one of Britain's foremost up-and-coming pop-punk bands... 15 minutes before show time there is a grand total of 40 people assembled outside the Thekla (a renovated boat), some of which, admittedly don't even know the band ("We're actually only here to see Go-X" says one girl, as the smallish crowd enters the Venue). Fortunatly, this number increases closer to showtime, though, unfortunatly for Clear the Coast (5/10) not very quickly. Their similar pop-punk fails to gain much recognition, aside from a small, short-lived mosh pit.

However, Go-X (7/10) is a different story, and already appear to have a cult following of teenagers. With songs such as "Dance Again" they provoke much enthusiasm from the crowd, and frontman Josh actually connects with these fans after the set. Their set is cut annoyingly short, however, due to the venue's early curfew (though there is significant dissapointment at their depature)

Freeze The Atlantic (4/10) is a rather apathetic affair. Besides being normally quite fun with catchy emo-punk riffs, everyone is either still exhausted from Go-X, or just bored, waiting for the headliners. Even though they try, FTA don't really get the crowd's attention at all.

After a short wait, in which the Venue seems to fill with peaople who have appeared closer to the actual headline, Attack! Attack! (7/10) emerge on stage, instantly jumping into "Say it to Me" from their Self-titled debut album, and running straight into No Excuses (from their new album, "The Latest Fasion"). Crowd favourite and debut single "You and Me" is then pumped out with much gusto, resulting in an actual mosh pit which, this time picks up properly. Overall, Attack! Attack!'s performance tonight is very good, though only seems to score equal with their support Go-X. However, belting out a mixture of old and new songs gives the crowd a great impression, and it's a shame that the venue pull the plug at the early time of 10.00, resulting in no possible encore. However, overall, a good show with a strong, positive atmosphere

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